My Daughter Taken And They Ran.

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New Member
I gave birth to my daughter in 2005 and was going thru post partem depression after giving birth. I was in a foster home when i was younger and when i had turned 18 i gave birth to a duather from my then time boyfriend. I was going thru post partem depression and my foster parents came in loving it seemed and wanted to help me get thru because i was struggling a bit. they said we will take her and take care of her until you can get on your feet. I signed over temporary guardianship because i trusted these people. Not much longer i got a job, apt, and a car for me and my daughter but when i would attempt to get my daughter back from them they would not allow me to see her, talk to her, or come in any kind of contact because i had gotten no kind of college time invested. I tried over and over to contact and get her back over and over i was declined i was only 19 and unaware of the court preccedings or what to do. Finally they got up and moved without my knowlege and took my daughter. I have been looking for them every since and there no wehre to be found. Because i gave them temporary guardianship does this mean they can do this? i dont know what to do i have a steady home a stable family and im still wanting my daughter back i dont know where to start or what to do. Im native american and my foster parents are white ive been researching aout the native american child act but that doesnt specifiy alot. Please give me some advice on what to do?!
-desperate for answers and a road to go
Do you have a copy of the tempory guadianship papers? Depending on what those papers say, I would contact CPS, and contact the police, in that order. Were they foster parents to your child?
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