My Child is 18 years, moved out collects welfare

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: new jersey

I am non custodial parent, The child has turned 18 JULY 2008, Her grandparents (where she resided) forced her to sign up for welfare with state of New jersey (with stipulation to go into a work program ) then she quits high School (Nov.2008-Feb.2009) went back in because it would cost $ 2,000.00 to get GED. She just barely go to make it through high school (absentee). This child has moved out of her Grandparents Doesn't live with mother who has abused her since child was 12 years old. I don't know address of where child lives.

I do owe arrears I give a monthly payment of what I can give (out of work) I have NO problem with paying arrears in a timely payment schedule.

I'm aggravated that # 1 child does not live her mother this person get support child does see a penny of it.
# 2 Child is 18 and is not a work program as per welfare in state of New Jersey.

# 3 quits high schools yes goes back she can't be sick anymore last day June 18, 2009

# 3 does NOT live at address of grandparents MOVED OUT Moved in with a friend.

Do I have the legal right to in writing to the state of New Jersey ask to emancipate 18 year old child and work out a payment plan for arrears support?
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