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New Member
Hi my i was informed by my landlord that they were planning on selling. I gave 30days notice. my question is regarding my deposit can it be withheld for normal wear and tear in the home also the carpet is really old at least 14 years old it was not steamed before i moved in just vacuumed and spot cleaned as far as I know. I am getting the place cleaned by a service but not the carpet i just plan to spot clean i do have a toddler so there are some spots but nothing stained to the point of not return. I have been a good tenant paid rent on time and so i just want to check so I can be prepared if i get my deposit with held unfairly.
No one can predict what YOUR landlord might do.
If you feel your deposit was withheld inappropriately, follow the guidelines for protesting same in your state.
You might wish to ask your landlord what needs to be done to ensure you get your deposit back in toto.
Make sure your landlord does a walk through with you at the time of your departure.
Whatever you do, get it in writing, and take pictures.
Those spots should be cleaned.
Speak to your landlord and work to satisfy him or her.
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