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I live in NewYork,I have primary custody of my 2 children,I own a home in florida and want to move back.Our custody was done in NewYork.Nothing in my papers say were i have to live or if i can leave state,what is the worst that could happen if i moved back to Florida with my kids.
The worst that can happen is you can lose custody. NY has very strict parental alienation las in place, they are not the state to do this in.

You are going to have to get your ex's permission to move and count on having to be very generous in your offer, or go to court. You must be able to prove the move is in the kids's best interest. Dad also has the right to ask for custody.

See an attorney.
Then you file with the courts and see if they will grant you to move. Why are you moving? If mom and extended family are in NY, you have a tough case.
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Status quo will stay in place as long as the kids are with you. You won't lose custody, that is absurd. I have heard and read SOOOOOOO many stories of mothers kidnapping the children and moving out of state. When and if found, nothing really changes except a slap on the wrist. Status quo hold so much weight and courts are way too overburdened. If you go to court a judge will tell you that you cant move and then you are really stuck. If you move after a judge has said no you will be in a lot of trouble. But until that happens it is fairly safe to take the chance. Just be smart and don't let him find you. When your kids are 16, 17, 18... and they decide they'd like to know who their mother is then don't stop them. If the mother is in fact a good parent then you should try to come to an agreement. Just remember, once the courts are in your life there is no getting them out. The more specific a court order becomes, the more impossible it is to reverse it. Stay out of court!
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