Monthly Visit


New Member
My son comes to our home once a month for a 3day visit as his job has him in another state. He has a Mustang Cobra which he has made into a muscle car which took months of building, fine tuning and money. The car is loud due to the the many changes. He went by a neighbors house at 5 miles per hour as he was going down hill and the speed limit is 25. the man came running out yelling obscenities at my son. My son turned around to go speak with the neighbor and this man got in his face saying by that he is spoiling the neighborhood and he had grandkids who could get hurt. My son said if he saw little kids playing in the street he would not aim for them. This man is crazy as my son is respectful and would not want to hurt or bother anyone. He is not at our home except once a month. Thank you
My son comes to our home once a month for a 3day visit as his job has him in another state. He has a Mustang Cobra which he has made into a muscle car which took months of building, fine tuning and money. The car is loud due to the the many changes. He went by a neighbors house at 5 miles per hour as he was going down hill and the speed limit is 25. the man came running out yelling obscenities at my son. My son turned around to go speak with the neighbor and this man got in his face saying by that he is spoiling the neighborhood and he had grandkids who could get hurt. My son said if he saw little kids playing in the street he would not aim for them. This man is crazy as my son is respectful and would not want to hurt or bother anyone. He is not at our home except once a month. Thank you

You're welcome.
I hope you enjoy your visits with your son.
Did you have a legal question?
I'm guessing the question is whether her son might have some type of legal problem because of the neighbor's threat. I doubt that the son was going 5 MPH in a 25 MPH zone but that's not the issue. This is probably just an aging, oversensitive man who felt a need to vocalize his fears. Life goes on.