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New Member
Could someone please explain how the support laws work in Pa. I am presently recieving 2400/month from workers comp. I pay 1100/month in spousal and child support. Now the reason for the seperation is I refused to include my spouse on the checking account that I opened with the money from the first settlement if in the future I have a final settlement is there any way my spouse can put a claim on it , I am never late with support payments and I have a Motor Vehicle Accident that is present litigation. What rights or claim does she have to it and in regards to the workers comp. is ther any way she could she get or demand half of it even though we were living together ? I am very confused as to what she is entitled to and what she can do to any future monies that I may recieve
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There are several hundred support calculators on the internet for your state.

Run a few and see what you come up with.
If your state is community property and you are still married, then she may be able to petition for her half.
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