Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant minor charged with resisting arrest

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New Member
when my 14 year old daughter was kicked out of the house by her mother, then her boyfriend, she left, and called me to come get her. her mother called the police, and they arrested her. the cop drug her off a couch, at a local business, put his knee in her back, and handcuffed her. i thought a juvenille officer had to be present, when arresting a minor. now he has filed charges against her for resisting arrest. he is a big man, and she weighs 100 pounds, if that. he was heard saying if she was his daughter, he would beat the---------out of her. this is in missouri, and i dont know the laws about minors.
i thought a juvenille officer had to be present, when arresting a minor.
Why would you think that? Most agencies do not HAVE a juvenile division, and those that might have one do not tend to have an investigator that works 24/7. We'd never arrest juveniles if this was a requirement.

now he has filed charges against her for resisting arrest. he is a big man, and she weighs 100 pounds, if that.
That's a consideration for the court. But, it's not about the size or the likelihood of a successful resisting, it is the fact that she resisted him at all and in any fashion.

Plus, being charged does not mean that the state will pursue it.

he was heard saying if she was his daughter, he would beat the---------out of her. this is in missouri, and i dont know the laws about minors.
Well, if my child were being disrespectful and fought with me, I'd probably make a similar statement.

You can hire an attorney to defend her against the criminal charges if you wish, but otherwise I am not sure there's much else you can do. if you did not like the officer's attitude or actions, you can make a complaint to his agency.

- Carl
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