michigan father looking for suggestions

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Here is the quick rundown of the situation. I was awarded joint physical and legal custody of my two kids. At the time I was working 3rd shift as a police officer. So I agreed with my ex to only have the kids on my days off and not 50/50, so the kids would not have to stay with a sitter every night. I ahve since been layed off and work days only at my new job. I have asked my ex on numerous occasions to agree to switch the parenting time to 50/50 and she refuses. What are my chances of getting this changed in court?

Also if she knowling lets my kids be driven around by her new boyfriend who does not ahve a driver's license and has a warrant for his arrest would be considered negelect?
You'll need to go back to court and ask for more visitation. You can certainly address your concerns on the boyfriend and that he not be allowed to drive the children anywhere.

How does a police officer get laid off? I know times were tough in MI but is it really that bad?
Yeah times are that tough. I worked for the number 3 rated city for highest crime level in the country and they laid off 50 people.

I have a court date but not for another month. So I was just trying to get an idea of what the chances of me getting 50/50 parenting time.

My ex constantly leaves the kids with a babysitter usually her boyfriend or sister. The boyfriend works third shift and sleeps while my kids are at the house with them, they are 9 and 7.

The sister has left my 9 year old at home by her self with my other daughter and 2 other kids both of who are under 5.

And then boyfreind driving the kids around. I have read the child neglect law here in michigan numerous times and it is very fague.
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