Medical Malpractice Medical Malpractice - Arm Pit Infection

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Hello everyone hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.

Well my wife around 2 Months ago decided to clear her Arm pits with some Hydrogen Peroxide. So after a few days she developed kind of like a Cyst.

SO, She went to the doctor when that Cyst got worst she couldnt move her arm at all to much pain, so she weny to the doctor and they popped that nasty cyzt and she came back home, she was told to go back a few days later to re-check her to make sure everything was fine, so she did and payed again!, then she came back home and a few days later more cyst started to develop under the same armpit so the first one was still been treated by the doctors meaning my wife was keeping an eye on it at home but the the other cysts grew rapidly that she was worst in a matter of couple of days. So she called and went into the clinic again and Paid for them to check the first cyst and to pop the others.

So on her 2 and third visit they gave her medicine Antibiotics. But on her last visit they sent that infection to their lab and found out that she had a pretty bad infection acording to them so they gave her a stronger antibiotic. So the the very first cyst the doctor popped after weeks wasn't and is still not healing, my wife told me weeks ago "Felix, I think they left a piece of that antibiotic strip/paper in there thats why that cut/cyst doesn't heal. So all the other cys were healing but now her other under pit got infected, so she couldnt move both arms freely with out pain, couldn't work for weeks, So last night she was cleaning it as she has been doing for 2 Months now.

They gave her medicine/antibiotics and was told to take them untill she ran out and to give them an update but guess what guys? Last night she saw a piece of paper stuck in there for almost 2 Months, She took pictures before pulling that piece of paper out with puzz and blood while my 10 year old was taking pictures. Then the piece of paper came out.

Her armpit looks nasty and of course all marked by all this cyst that according to the Doctor are higly contagious.

Total spent in that clinic around $500 (no insurance a the moment) (going trhu a bankruptcy process trhu an attorney as i type this)

Right now we don't know what to do if go to another clinic or take advice from a Local Attorney that handles Personal Injury.

Please excuse my typos, but I tried my best =) thanks in advance!
I don't see that she has anything. It appears the entire issue was caused by her shaving the arm pit hair and keeping her arms down causing infection in the hair follicles. It happens to me every time I shave my head too close.
I don't see that she has anything. It appears the entire issue was caused by her shaving the arm pit hair and keeping her arms down causing infection in the hair follicles. It happens to me every time I shave my head too close.

Thanks for your reply. I am currently under this account as I couldn't log in with it when I wanted to start this thread. So by the clinic telling her she had a bad infection I mean they said it was bad according to the labs records that they gave her a heavier antibiotic, Now she is worried because this month she has not had her period and we were thinking Two things, the antibiotics pushed back her period or she is pregnant, and so far it looks like she is pregnant according to her. So now we are worried if those antibiotics that were prescribed by her Doctor can cause problems during her pregnancy, what I am coming down to is that they (the clinic) told us that she just had a bad infection after her second visit to the doctor but in reality what really happened is that they left a piece of whatever paper they left inside and forgot to take it out after her next visit AND she told them about it, that she felt like they left something in there which they did. And we have proof of it.

We have been trhu several tragic events such as loosing one of my daughters after taking her to the clinic and they telling us she had nothing but a fever when the next day she was dead. I came here to seek advice years ago, maybe under this account or another one. And I tried my best to hire an attorney but out of 4 that I contacted they couldn't help me.

Now im not here to try and make money off of people, I am just trying to get Justice. because as a Business owner I got sued for a person on a Wheelchair for not be able to reach the soda machine by a couple of inches. Now how that is possible..?

Have I been dealing with the wrong attorneys? Or should I just give up wasting money on them?

Not trying to be rude but take a moment and think about my position here.

Thanks for reading.
Before I respond, I must comment.
Why on earth would you continue to patronize anyone or anything that has not served you properly, especially jeopardizing your health, and maybe even KILLING a beloved relative?
Please, accept my condolences on the loss of your daughter at the hands of butchers.
God bless and keep her and your family.

I would suggest you take the person you believe to be in jeopardy to a different physician or hospital.
If you think she's pregnant have her tested.
If you believe antibiotics could harm the fetus, assuming she's pregnant, discuss that with the new physician.
If you suspect your current attorney is not representing your interests properly, speak to another attorney (or three or four) and have the new attorney determine if your interests are being jeopardized.
You gain nothing but you do lose previous time by not doing the things suggested.
There's nothing you can do to fix, repair, or remediate your situation by posting to an online forum or by talking with your neighbor.
If a person needs medical or legal attention, only a real physician or attorney in your area can help.

Good luck.
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Personally, if I were her, I would periodically clean the surface with rubbing alcohol every few hours and consult her family doctor.
" "Felix, I think they left a piece of that antibiotic strip/paper in there thats why that cut/cyst doesn't heal."

What makes you think they give antibiotics in paper strips?

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