Marital Property?

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New Member
I got married 01/05/08 and am looking to get a divorce. I bought my house in 4/30/08 (before we were married....the sole owner). We haven't been married long, but he has serious mental issues and I've tried to tolerate the marriage as long as I can. Who knows what his true intentions were when he married me. big concern is my house....I think WI marital property law applies to property you and your husband acquire during your marriage. Since it is only a year that we've been married.....and I owned the house previous to the I have to worry about some judge making me sell the house or would I more than likely get to keep my house?
I want it so what's his is what's his and what's mine is what's mine. We both have vehicles prior to the marriage and I don't want any alimony or any of his retirement. Just as I don't want him to pay any of my debts nor do I want to pay any of his debts which were incurred before the marriage. He has collectors after him from a previous marriage. The only thing we jointly purchased were a few appliances. If anyone can help me on what I might be facing I would appreciate it. I plan on filing in January and I'm not sure at this point if it will be seperately or jointly because he pretends I'm not here which is another abuse I'm sick of......his verbal, silence, drinking and a couple of times he hit me while I was sleeping. I'm also afraid of this man because he goes off unpredictably......I think he has deep emotional issues.
You probably don't have to worry about selling your house, although it is possible that he may be entitled to a share of any appreciation (if there is any in this market) over the past year that you've been married. Also, in such a short term marriage, your individual premarital debts may be kept separate in the divorce.
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