Maintenance Engineer

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I signed the insurance form to have my spouse added to my health insurance thru my employer. This is usually an automatic payrole deduction. I was never billed or given any type of notice that this was not a payrole deduction until ten monthes later when my employer sent me notification that I owed them in excess of 6,000 dollars for my spouses coverage. Why was I not billed on a monthly or bi-monthy basis or given any type of notice that I was accruing a debt. My spouse never used said policy and I am now having moneys taken from my payroll. I had her removed from my insurance as soon as I was told that I owed for ten months @ ~ 600.00 per month. Do I have grounds for a case to recoup my loses as I feel this was not my fault?:eek:
And when you checked your paystubs and saw that there was no deduction being taken, what did you do?

There's fault on both sides here.
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