Lying ex-wife


New Member
My older brother Braden is having legal issues with his ex-wife. she has called the cops over 10 times since they got a divorce in the summer of 2015. She has recently called the cops on him for sexually molesting one of their 3 children. The cops know Braden didn't do anything so they won't test the DNA even though he volunteered to have his DNA tested against the false accusations. She has been harassing him for months and if now accusing him of things that she has no evidence on. Braden has witnesses, video proof, and GPS proof of his whereabouts. He has camera's in his house that are on at all times and has recordings of him and the kids. Somebody help. He's about to go to jail for her lying with no evidence of anything. She has claimed he threatened to kill her, put the kids in danger, accused him of molestation, and calls the cops every time he doesn't drive the full amount to drop the kids off on her days.
Advise Braden to consult a licensed lawyer in his county.
He'll need real legal help, not legal information of this continues.
You should tell him not to discuss any of this with you, or anyone but his lawyer.
Braden could be headed for serious issues if he fails to retain a REAL lawyer to assist him.