live in boyfriend

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I recently moved in with my girlfriend...she is custodial parent of her three children. Her ex-husband has filed a motion that I not be in the home or around the kids.. Is this legal in the state of Alabama? what are the laws that say She cant have a life....
I recently moved in with my girlfriend...she is custodial parent of her three children. Her ex-husband has filed a motion that I not be in the home or around the kids.. Is this legal in the state of Alabama? what are the laws that say She cant have a life....

He's absolutely entitled to ask the court to grant his motion - but in order for them to do Dad is going to need some pretty compelling reasons.

So, what's he got?

(And to clarify, they ARE divorced, correct? Not just separated?)
he has nothing on me at all..he just says it sets an unfit enviroment...and yes they have been divorced over five years....yet he had a live in girlfriend for two years before they married....
he has nothing on me at all..he just says it sets an unfit enviroment...and yes they have been divorced over five years....yet he had a live in girlfriend for two years before they married....

In order for the court to grant his motion, Dad will have to prove why the environment is not fit. He can't just arbitrarily decide that by himself (well, he can, but the courts won't agree with him without compelling evidence).

(He may end up hurting his own credibility here before he even really gets started actually - if it's so unsafe, has he called CPS? Has he petitioned for emergency custody?)

Now with that said, is there anything at all in your background which may give him a reason?
I really don't have alot on my background..I did get in trouble about 8 yrs ago ..but nothing since...I own my own business and have a child of my own...he has not called cps...or anything...he before this motion pettioned to lower his child support and get more custody...I think this is just another thing he can add to it...he has taken her to court over 5 times
I really don't have alot on my background..I did get in trouble about 8 yrs ago ..but nothing since...I own my own business and have a child of my own...he has not called cps...or anything...he before this motion pettioned to lower his child support and get more custody...I think this is just another thing he can add to it...he has taken her to court over 5 times

Let him try. They'll see right through him if he continues doing this - it will become apparent that he appears to be trying to do whatever it takes to make life difficult for Mom.

Now with that said, what happened when he filed for more custody? Has that been decided yet?
no he just added this to the hearing schedueled in april....whats funny is before he even met me he filed this motion when he learned she and I wear living together...the kids love me mom is a wonderful mom and has a great job ....and bc I'm a tattoo artist and own a shop.. He thinks that doesn't fit in his social standings and I said before he even met me
no he just added this to the hearing schedueled in april....whats funny is before he even met me he filed this motion when he learned she and I wear living together...the kids love me mom is a wonderful mom and has a great job ....and bc I'm a tattoo artist and own a shop.. He thinks that doesn't fit in his social standings and I said before he even met me

(Does he realize that he actually needs a reason to change the current custody orders? :confused: )

By all means, have your wife speak with a local attorney who can reassure her a little more but honestly, if this is a ploy to have child support lowered they'll see right through it and it will not be pretty (for him).
tell dad to butt out

I recently moved in with my girlfriend...she is custodial parent of her three children. Her ex-husband has filed a motion that I not be in the home or around the kids.. Is this legal in the state of Alabama? what are the laws that say She cant have a life....

unless dad can prove youre a danger to the kids, id tell him to pound sand. its really none of his business
well, I dont want a currupt judge or crooked attorney to be able to take her kids away is there any way to get a change of venue as to were and who would here the case?....dont know were ur from it's judge donald Banks...I've heard things about him like that
well, I dont want a currupt judge or crooked attorney to be able to take her kids away is there any way to get a change of venue as to were and who would here the case?....dont know were ur from it's judge donald Banks...I've heard things about him like that


Stop a second. Where did THIS angle come from?! Exactly what has this judge done which would even come close to justifying a change of venue?

You completely lost me - you really do need to explain in more detail.
If you go to google and type in judge donald banks and read the link about currupt politicans it will explain....he is the judge from the article and the lawyer talked about in the article dads attorney
If you go to google and type in judge donald banks and read the link about currupt politicans it will explain....he is the judge from the article and the lawyer talked about in the article dads attorney

Then Mommy needs to get herself a decent attorney :)

(as was advised earlier)
I'm going to get her another attorney...her lawyer saw the motion about me and told her just we should not live together and I shouldn't be around the kids...that seems so crazy.....and he said for her to move 59 miles away from him she just bought this home ....I can't see that being good legal advice...
Well the sad statistic is as soon as an unrelated male moves into a house, the risk of child abuse against the kids goes up by at least 8 times. It is a troubling statistic and I think people are sick of hearing about moms boyfriends who beat the kids.

Moving in a guy is never a good idea and it really depends on how the judge feels about it on what may happen. Don't discipline the kids and try to stay out of mom and dads issues and maybe all this will blow over. But mom needs an attorney is Dad has one.
Well the sad statistic is as soon as an unrelated male moves into a house, the risk of child abuse against the kids goes up by at least 8 times. It is a troubling statistic and I think people are sick of hearing about moms boyfriends who beat the kids.

Moving in a guy is never a good idea and it really depends on how the judge feels about it on what may happen. Don't discipline the kids and try to stay out of mom and dads issues and maybe all this will blow over. But mom needs an attorney is Dad has one.

I would be very much interested in reading that report.

Can you link it?
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