list of assets

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New Member
Ex brady disqaulfied 2010 on protective order his lawyer represented him in probono on faliure to appear and invasion of privacy invasion of privacy dismissed but had 6 months domestic violence class the assets on list included guns ex said I had which I dont ex his also involed in gun shows and walked in with knife in court I informed deputiy who shrugged me off until i insited I had witness to that I would think his lawyer would know the law or am I just another victim of domestic violence I have been stabbed by ex smashed between vehicles and number of visits to er closed business down on a restraining order ex said he never knew was divorced any advice would be greatful
Ex brady disqaulfied 2010 on protective order his lawyer represented him in probono on faliure to appear and invasion of privacy invasion of privacy dismissed but had 6 months domestic violence class the assets on list included guns ex said I had which I dont ex his also involed in gun shows and walked in with knife in court I informed deputiy who shrugged me off until i insited I had witness to that I would think his lawyer would know the law or am I just another victim of domestic violence I have been stabbed by ex smashed between vehicles and number of visits to er closed business down on a restraining order ex said he never knew was divorced any advice would be greatful

You need to hire a lawyer.

Better yet, just move far away from this person.

Nothing is worth your life or your health.

Don't count on anyone protecting you, but you.
Whoa! Agree, you need to move away from this person for your safety.
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