Leaving the country/State my basic rights

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New Member
I've never been married, and have a 2 year old. The only thing that has been established with the father is paternity and child support. Their is no custody order/visitation rights or anything. He is not on the birth certificate.

Can I leave the state/ country without his consent?

Is it possible that if my son were with his father he could deny returning to me, and I could do nothing about it? besides getting a custody order.
Ideally you need to file for custody and include the request to relocate.

As it stands, you're free to leave ..but if you do, you should be prepared for Dad to file immediately for custody and have the child returned to Georgia. Since you're the only parent on the birth certificate, you would be able to obtain a passport for the child. However, if Dad did file something, the court may rule in his favor.

Court orders protect ALL of you - but most importantly, the child. Get thee to court :)
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