Lawyer abandonment?

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New Member
My husband filed for a divorce, so I obtained an attorney. We have been married almost 30 years and it is a complicated divorce. I told my lawyer I want to settle if possible. His lawyer sent a settlement offer, which my lawyer forwarded to me. I gave my response the best I could via email, and told her I needed to talk to her to get her advice on some things. She never responded back to me. His lawyer set a deadline for a response. I continually contacted my lawyer asking her what our response would be. The deadline passed, she apparently did not respond to the offer. I made an appointment to see my lawyer to talk about my case. When I got there, she was "in court" and I was told to see the paralegal. The paralegal basically admitted the lawyer screwed up by not responding to the offer. She said the court had ordered mediation and that I would be notified when and where and what to do about it. Today, several weeks later, my husband came to visit my child and told me that we are supposed to be in a mediation hearing two days from now! My lawyer has told me nothing about it. I called her voicemail today and told her I was not happy that I am hearing this from my husband, I am not happy she has not responded to the settlement offer, and I am not happy that she has not communicated to me about my case or let me know what is going on, or even that I am expected at a mediation meeting in two days.

I feel like my lawyer has abandoned me. I have always cooperated with her and treated her with respect. I think when she gets my phone messages she is going to know I am unhappy since one of the questions I asked her was if she felt she was doing a good job for me or could this be considered malfeasance? I have always paid my lawyer as agreed. I feel abandoned by her. I cannot afford to get a different lawyer, and I am wondering what I should do about this mediation meeting that is apparently court ordered that I have only heard about from my soon to be ex-husband?


Thank you for any help you can give me.

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