Lawsuit and fitness

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I was resonantly a victim of being falsely identified for a crime at a gym in which I am a member. The person who miss identified me was a staff member of the facility. I was arrested and charged with 3 felonies, booked and processed in spent 3 terrifying days amongst killers, rapist, thief's and God know what else. never having a criminal record or put in jail this experience has caused me to lose myself, my sense of security, faith in the justice system, has made me physically, emotionally ill..etc. I've decided to file suite against the gym and police department but I'm not sure if I should continue to attend the facility for my own convenience while the lawsuit is going through its process? I want to stay fit and the financial aspect is beneficial to me. Should I continue to attend this facility while lawsuit limbo?
Only if you want to give them a powerful defense to a not-particularly-strong case.

There are other gyms.
I was resonantly a victim of being falsely identified for a crime at a gym in which I am a member. The person who miss identified me was a staff member of the facility. I was arrested and charged with 3 felonies, booked and processed in spent 3 terrifying days amongst killers, rapist, thief's and God know what else. never having a criminal record or put in jail this experience has caused me to lose myself, my sense of security, faith in the justice system, has made me physically, emotionally ill..etc. I've decided to file suite against the gym and police department but I'm not sure if I should continue to attend the facility for my own convenience while the lawsuit is going through its process? I want to stay fit and the financial aspect is beneficial to me. Should I continue to attend this facility while lawsuit limbo?

You want to return to the people and place that caused you great pain, put your life in jeopardy, and almost tarnished your pristine record?

I don't think that would be very helpful to your potentially KILLER of a lawsuit. Why not ask your lawyer what he or she thinks?
I think I might consider staying fit at a different gym.
Well it's not the exact gym that the insistent accured, but the same franchise, but after speaking with a district manager and hearing his lies. I've realized it's just not worth the pain I've endured. It was to soon to go back and try to feel a sense of normalcy in back in my life. I'm a person of routine and I just wanted to feel like nothing ever happened, but now I realize its gonna take time and maybe some counseling to truly get my sense of normalcy back. Thank you all for your comments.
Well it's not the exact gym that the insistent accured, but the same franchise, but after speaking with a district manager and hearing his lies. I've realized it's just not worth the pain I've endured. It was to soon to go back and try to feel a sense of normalcy in back in my life. I'm a person of routine and I just wanted to feel like nothing ever happened, but now I realize its gonna take time and maybe some counseling to truly get my sense of normalcy back. Thank you all for your comments.
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