Kicked out at 15, while my mom......

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I've been kicked out of my mothers house. I was 15 when this happened, but I've decided to take a stand because my dad is intimidated of her. Her reasons for kicking me out was because she was "stressed out". My brother was also kicked out of the house, too. He was 17 when that happened. Now he's 18, and out on his own. I'm 17 and living with my dad for the time being, yet my dad pays child support for my sister and I. I don't know if I'm right or not, but isn't it ILLEGAL TO USE CHILD SUPPORT TO PAY MORTGAGE AND CAR PAYMENTS!? I don't see how money to help raise me pays for a house that I've been kicked out of. The thing is, I'm still in her name. Can someone out there please give me advice on ending this ordeal, or tips on what I could do if I took her to court?

Thanks for your advice...

This is somewhat of an odd situation. It would be my belief that your father would need to take the child support case back to court. He should then also obtain full legal custody of you. This would eliminate any payment needing to be sent to your mother for YOUR child support. There may even be a case against her for your father to obtain custody of your younger sister. It would seem that she is not fit as a legal custodian based upon what you wrote.
Kicked out at 15,

It is definately up to your father to provide documentation to modify the current child support arrangements. I dont think its illegal to use child support to pay other bills, but its not proper.
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