just want a regular schedule

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New Member
Had baby boy Jan 07 with GF. The first year me and my parents practically raised him. She did live with me about 6 mon then moved home with parents. She was still constantly calling for a babysitter,mostly at the last minute. We never refused even tho it was hard as you might have plans or work. Then twice she withheld him for 2-3 wks because she was mad at me. This also hurts my parents. So we decided to go to court and get a reg schedule so everybody knows what their doing. This has angered her. She has done everything to stop it. First a RO on both her and child. Then she changed mind and dropped it on child. Got temp visits every wed 12-7 and every wkend. Havent had court yet to finalize everything else. Now last weekend child became ill with fever on Sat nite but he was fine next day. I even called to let her know. She said nothing. Fever went back up Sun pm so I called and took him home early5:30 so her and her parents could take him to ER. Usual home time is 7p. Now she has filed to have visits suspended due to lack of medical care. Shes been mad from the start cause she wants to contol when he comes at her convience.(which was alot) Can she do this I cant lose my son
I'm not sure what you're asking, yes she can do this - she has done it. It's your job to dispute her claims in court with rational explanations. I don't know why you didn't seek medical care for the child while he was with you, but in doing so you handed this one to her on a silver platter. The court may feel that you were unable or unwilling to provide medical care since you brought the child to her to take care of instead of heading to the ER and informing her of your decision.

You may wish to file for physical custody if you feel you are best equipped to raise the child. A calendar mapping out when the child was with you could be helpful to bring to court as courts typically give custody to the parent who has provided the most care.
I took him home because even though I have established myself in court as father, she still is LEGAL parent as Joint legal has not been established. I guarentee, if I would have went right to ER, she would have said 'why did you do that' Thats the kind of person she is. No one can do anything right in her eyes
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