Job Offer Rescinded. Can I file for Unemployment Benefits in Texas?

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I received a written offer of employment and accepted it. Gave my 2-week notice to my current employer at the time. 2 days before starting the new position, the new company called to tell me these were bad times and they had to rescind the offer.
My previous employer terminated me after my 2 week notice expired.

1) Can I file for unemployment benefits?
2) Will the old employer be notified?

The caviat here is the older employer needed help and asked me to stay for an additional 30 days on a consulting basis after I was terminated, which I did, since I had no options. These 30 days have now passed and I am now unemployed. Can I still file for unemployment benefits?
Anyone may file and I would encourage you to do so. Whether your claim is denied or not is up to State. If denied appeal. There is no penalty for denial or lost appeals
That is the State's decision. We cant say. We also do not know if your employer will contest or not. Best we can say is file and if denied appeal. We dont have any Tarot cards or such to predict outcome sorry
Wow....I meant as an Attorney, you probably have seems hundreds of these know what...forget about it....waste of time...
There's nothing sure in unemployment. I've seen claims that I never thought would be approved go through; I've seen claims that should have been approved declined. There's just no way for anyone to gauge what a claims adjuster will accept.

There is absolutely no harm in applying though - the worst they can say is no, and in that case you're no worse off than if you didn't apply at all. There's no penalty for being wrong and there's no cost to apply.
That is the State's decision. We cant say. We also do not know if your employer will contest or not. Best we can say is file and if denied appeal. We dont have any Tarot cards or such to predict outcome sorry

Excellent advice and correct also.
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