Is this Fraud

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My husband terminated his parental rights in 2000. CASE CLOSED. We stopped paying child support and the agency sent back an offset check due to the case being closed in 2001. Now the CP had filed for welfare and she put my husband down as being the father, she failed to let them know he relinquished his rights in 2000, now the state of Texas has taken out 2008 taxes in a very LARGE amount stating due to the CP filing for state aid in Tx, it has reopened the case and due to our negligence we have to pay the arrears up to the day in interest. They stated when the arrears out paid off the case will close again and the remainder of the check will be sent to us. This will be until June 2008?? Is this FRAUD?? The CP should have never put my husbands name down to repay the state of TX, this is her obligation. She filed for state aid in 2007.
Why was your husband allowed to terminate parental rights without a step parent adoption? Normally this is not done. because now there is no financial responsibility on the father's side and it then allows her to have tax payers pay for the child.
Are you absolutely sure he terminated his parental rights, and just did not forfeit visitation. etc??

This is the exact reason why termination of rights should NEVER be granted without a subsequent adoption.
Why was your husband allowed to terminate parental rights without a step parent adoption? Normally this is not done. because now there is no financial responsibility on the father's side and it then allows her to have tax payers pay for the child.
Are you absolutely sure he terminated his parental rights, and just did not forfeit visitation. etc??

This is the exact reason why termination of rights should NEVER be granted without a subsequent adoption.

When he signed the affidavit, she was married to cop, and in the affidavit it states the child may be adopted soon or at a later time. The husband was in an off duty MVA and is now paralyzed. She divorced him, he received custody of their youngest child and she does not work, I think only on the week-ends, and now getting state aid. I don't know the entire story, it's just hear say, but I guess, speaking with multiple attorneys in the state of TX termination of parental rights is a very common thing. Also the OAG office trying to get monies from the NCP after rights are terminated is very common also.
Termination of rights without a step-parent adoption is not common. When this happens, the bio father is a legal stranger to the child.

It still sounds to me this paper he signed was not signed off by a judge and filed. Otherwise I do not see how they can go after him. He would still be liable for any back support but not future.

Why would your husband agree to terminate his rights, especially if this woulld leave the child legally fatherless? He might want to see an attorney.
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