is it tax fraud?

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New Member
if someone dies and leaves a house to a relitive and said relitive never changes the name on the deed to keep the STAR exemptions (to keep the taxes low( i believe STAR is for the elderly)). Its been about 8 yrs now. Is this a form of tax fraud?
djprimal said:
if someone dies and leaves a house to a relitive and said relitive never changes the name on the deed to keep the STAR exemptions (to keep the taxes low( i believe STAR is for the elderly)). Its been about 8 yrs now. Is this a form of tax fraud?

It may not be fraud, but it's probably prohibited and/or illegal conduct. If you're concerned, contact the taxing authority. The taxing authority will take appropriate action.

The person allegedly doing this will probably say they didn't know this was not done. Be careful about "ratting out" others. You reap what you sow.

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