Invasion Of Privacy?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: North Carolina

Recently I was fired from my job. I believe the main reason from my termination was to make room for an employee that had been laid off just a week prior. This employee had been with the company for about 5 years compared to my 1 year. Now that is not to say that I did nothing wrong to land in the hot seat. The official reason for my termination was because i utilized a computer that I was not supposed to in order to access my personal email account (Hotmail) I think it is also important to add the fact that another one of my co workers had utilized this same computer in order to watch movies on it and she didn't even receive a verbal warning about it. I tried to defend myself by confronting him about never reprimanding the other girl about doing the same thing I did but he looked at me very smug like and told me he was never aware of the girl watching movies on the computer even though we both know that he did know. My former employer told me that the moment I accessed the internet on that particular computer he received a carbon copy of the email that I sent. That was the funny part though because I didn't recall actually sending an email but rather simply just checking my inbox. My ex boss held up a printed copy of the email and began to read it out loud. The email was a quick note that I had sent to my best friends thanking her for taking the time out to revamp my resume and complaining about my current job and employer. When he was finished reading. He said "From the sounds of this you were ready to leave anyway". I stormed out angrily barely hearing him as he said that he would still give me a good reference because I did work hard while I was employed with them.. When I got home I checked my email and that same email he read to me was in my sent folder. The time and date stamp on this email was 10/31/08 at 7:42am. My work shifts have always been 3pm-11pm or 11pm to 7am, this proves that there would be no way that I sent this email from work like they have implied. My question is how he could get a copy of this email that he has used to build his case against me and am I right in thinking that he traced my key strokes to get into my email ? Is there anyway to prove it?
I am quite aware of the fact that my termination was legal. My guestions is more or less in reference to my employer reciting an email that i admit that I did write, but I wrote from home not the work place. Maybe I asked this question in the wrong section if so I apologize.


Ok, so you are saying that my entire personal email account is at his disposal because I used his computer to access it ?
I am sorry this happened but its the employers computer and internet connection therefore anything on it he may view. If you browse through site you will likely find very similar questions with same answers. Lesson should be is never open personal emails on employers computers or internet ocnnections
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