inherited home

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New Member
My wife has sued me for divorce under false mental abuse charges. She has a substance abuse problem and is on anti depressants. We have four children. She has phys. custody awarded. The oldest child, 16, has left the home to live with me in an incident which the sheriffs dept was involved. I lived in my family home of 125 yrs for 2 1/2 years prior to the marriage. The home was purchased at a sig. lower value due to the family ties during the marriage. her name was put on the deed. She has never contrib. monetarily to the home in any way. i allowed her to remain in the home for the sep. period. Due to sev. incid. during this sep. I would like to obtain phys. cust of all child. and my home. My attorn. seems to de dragging his feet. should i trust his 'gameplan, find a new one or pursue this on my own? As a man i am finding the courts to side with any accus. made by the female even though untrue and w/ no evidence. What should I do?
We have no idea what your attorney's gameplan is and why. Typically, I would say that your attorney is likely correct and knows more about the case than we could. I'm not sure why your wife was given physical custody if she is a drug abuser. Your attorney likely can tell you more. We can't help you second guess but we can discuss why you are concerned.
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