Inheritance Rights ???

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New Member
I fled my family over 30 years ago after dire, life threatening threats from a much older step brother. He and our mutual mother had conspired for years how to wrestle control/ownership of a very large property away from my aging father. After I left for college, they commited my father to a mental institution where he was administered 19 shock treatments in 21 days - leaving him in a permanent vegetative state. When I discovered their actions and attempted to help him, they threatened me with the same prospect. At the time, being under 21, it only took a parents signature for a commitment in PA. I moved as far away in the continental US as possible and for several years lived under an assumed name.

I have now found that the same step brother that terrorized me throughout my childhood and participated in these heinous actions with our bi-polar mother is soon to inherit the milliions that the property is now worth. I have built a good life with a loving family and solid career. And although I am no longer afraid of them, it pains me that he has enjoyed the fruits of my father's legacy while I lost my only real parent, etc. Do I have any outstanding rights?
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