Infraction Ticket for 21453(D) CVC RED LIGHT

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So I was walking across the street as the light adjacent from me turned yellow then red. As I was maybe 1/4th to 1/2 into the walk the walk sign turned to WALK and I crossed. I was then stopped by a police officer for j walking, otherwise noted as 21453(D) on my citation. However as the officer and I were chatting (and having a funny conversation at that) he said, "Remember, If I don't show up at court your ticket will be dismissed." Further more he circled both Thursday and Friday as the date of the ticket even through it was dated as 7/30/10. And at the bottom of the ticket under my date/time to appear it is listed as 10/7/10 with a line through the 'TIME' section of the citation.

My first question is does the circling of both Thursday and Friday or -T and F - on the ticket or the fact that there is no time on my 'date to appear' warrant for a dismissal due to a ticketing error? If not, I am a student and can barely afford board and room as is, and I need to find another way to handle this ticket, is there a way to go about it that I can somehow 'pay' off the citation without literally shelling out money? With the latest 5% increase in the CSU fees and my book prices increase I wouldn't even know where to begin to earn enough money to keep myself in school, and even moreso successful in it.

Furthermore, yes I realize I crossed illegally whether it be at the start of the walk or at the end, but the point is I'm a good college student that has never been convicted of anything, and maintains a 3.2 in college while working full time to pay for myself. I just need to find a way to satisfy the judicial system without harming my education. What other options do I have?

Thanks for all your help.

Do what the cop told you to do.
It's more than hint.

You show, because he won't.
He gave you a break.
Show up Thursday.
Don't mention what he said to you.
Play dumb.
This isn't gonna cost you anything but time!!

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I realize he gave me a very strong hint, but I tend to play devils advocate. Assuming he will show up if I fight it, what options do I have in regards to getting the ticket dismissed and or fine lowered/possible chance for community service? What are the best ways of going about this?

You really have little chance of it getting dismissed unless the officer does not show. You admit to committing the violation. So, short of committing the more serious crime of perjury, you have no real defense if the officer testifies to what he saw.
You were not cited for jaywalking, you were cited for a red light violation. Show up to court when instructed. The date on your ticket isn't necessarily the date that the officer has to show up... you could be given another date for a hearing. Your only hope is that he won't show... beyond that you just have to convince the judge to take it easy on you. It shouldn't be a huge fine anyway.

Thanks! I looked more into it, I should have been sighted for 21456(B) and after speaking with a few local police officers and confirming it, I 'should' be able to get let off.

The citation can be amended for the correct code.
As the officer indicated, it is unlikely he will show up. That is still your way out.
Even so, you are looking at a very small fine, if even that.
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