Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Illegal Designated Driving?

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New Member
I live in NY and I am 17. I was recently pulled over while driving three friends home. They had BAC levels of .04, .08, and .1, but there was no other alcohol in the car. I am wondering for future reference if it is in fact illegal for me to drive with individuals in my car who have been drinking if my own BAC is 0.00.
No it isn't. Your friends, if also under 21, can be arrested or cited just for having the alcohol in their system though... depending on NY law of course. Personally, had I been the officer in this case, I probably would have found a way to haul your three buddies off to jail or juvenile hall. According to your other post they all apparently reeked of marijuana too.
If you, as a driver under 21, were to register even a .01 then you could lose your license.
Yes I had my full license and was completely sober, luckily the officer who pulled us over let us all off after searching the car.
Yes I had my full license and was completely sober, luckily the officer who pulled us over let us all off after searching the car.

Unless NY has a law about having a certain number of passengers in the car with a minor driver then You did nothing wrong and I think you are the smart one not drinking. Good job getting your friends home as the safe and sober driver, maybe you can influence your friends next time.
lilliankuhns said:
mighty moose is cold as ice like you never had a childhood.
Many children, including myself, didn't drink as children. Some of us don't as adults!

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Many children, including myself, didn't drink as children. Some of us don't as adults!

Well apparently, the OP doesnt drink either. He is a responsible Designated Driver.

Good on you kid!
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