Consumer Law, Warranties I need to know......

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Maryland, United States

My current living situation is uncomfortable for me to continue living in. Simply I am just not getting the total respect that i feel that i deserve. I am not under any contract like a lease. The problem is that I work overnight and i am on medication, I need to sleep most of the day. All I have asked is that since I have to sleep most of my day until about 4, is that my roommate just have some volume control so that i can get the required rest i am supposed to get. I have not signed a contract saying that i will stay a certain length of time nor have anyone discussed it either. The only thing that was discussed is the rent cost and if we have a problem with anything that we say something, I had a problem, we had our meeting and at that meeting the roommate said that it is impossible for him to have volume control until my desired time request. I want to move out as soon as i get my chance. I need to know, Do i have to tell him ahead of time that I am moving, and if so how much time ahead or can i tell him that I am moving on the day that i move??????:confused:
Give him notice so he is aware of you moving out and proceed with the move.
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