i need help

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New Member
im trying to get my son back, from the state of arkansas, i did not lose my rights nor were they taken from me, i sent my children to live with my mom in Aug.04,my mother sent my son to live with my uncle in Dec.04,then in Feb.06 she gave my girls back to me, i tried to get my son then but nobody in my family would tell me exactly were he was at,than on Sept.19,2008 my son was taken from my uncle by the state of arkansas, that state has refused to provide any information about my son,my mother and i went to go and get him in Nov.08, and they refused to let us take him, nor would they tell us anything,my mother has legal custody of my children, i have physical custody of my girls, my mother is willing to give legal custody ofg my children back to me, i need to know how i can get my son back,and i need help finding a lawyer, i dont have much money but i have some to pay a lawyer.
It sounds to me the children might be wards of the state which in case, the state has custody. So have you called the case worker? The state still has the right to keep the boy since the child was in the care of somebody apparantly unfit and was not safe. I am surprised the case worker is not giving you the info. They know what foster family the child is with.
my mother and i have called the russelville cps office they have yet to call us back, when we went to get him they told us that they cant disscus the case with us. and that the judge gave them custody of my son to them and nobody has informed my mother who has court ordered coustody of my son from north carolina
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