( I need help ) My son is in California with his dad and im in another state?

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New Member
Im currently living in another state, but i have joint custody of my son in the state of california. Before i moved here i wanted to bring my son with me but his dad wouldnt let me. i was also scared to get in trouble if i just took him out of state without permission! so,my son is currently living with his dad in california, what do i do if i want to fight for him to come live here with me? there are times when i call my son and his did would never pick up the phone nor have him stay in touch with me! and not to mention he does have history of domestic violent, so will theyre be a possibility that my son is better off with me?

please help, i dont know what to do...
Is there an active custody and visitation order? If so, has it been adhered to or have you sort of let it drop by the wayside?

If you want to fight for custody, you go back to the court of jurisdiction and seek to modify the custody and visitation order to allow you to take the children out of state. The court may decide to allow you visitation only since you are the one who chose to depart, so you may not get the result you desire if you make this fight.

Your best bet will be to hire an attorney in the county of jurisdiction here in CA to help you.
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