I need help finding Florida Statute for a commercial lease

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New Member
I will consult with an attorney. Some personal knowledge and reseach will help me long the way.

Florida Statute 83.201 is for a residental lease,
Can you help find a Florida Statute for a commercial lease?

Florida Statute 83.201, Notice to landlord of failure to maintain or repair. This statue states, rent can be withheld until repairs are made...

This is a lease on the building for commercial use.
I can not find the Florida Statute for a commercial lease.
I am a bit confused - do you need help with finding the landlord/tenant commercial lease laws in the state of florida?
Yes, I need the landlord/tenant commercial lease laws of Florida.

I serched in the Florida's Goverment website in the 2008 Florida Statutes and I can only find information on residental lease not commercial lease.
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