I have leave now!!

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My name is nicole, and I'm 17 years old. I have alot of family problems at home. My mom and step dad are constantly arguing and yelling. My dad drinks alot, and my mom does drugs. I feel like i'm living in hell when i'm around them. I have a boyfriend who i have been with for a year now, and he is almost 18, he said that I needed to ask around for advice. My mom is always depressed and usually verbally abusies meh, and my step dad has beaten meh before. I am always getting compared to my brother like i'll never beh good enough. I am still in school, but I have a job, and if I were to leave home I would have a nice friendly healthy enviroment to say in. I really want to leave, and I don't think that my parents would let meh be emancipated. If I left home with their knowledge but without consent, and I stayed somewhere safe, and had a job, and I could take care of myself, is it likley the police would let meh stay?
Okie, so I just called this number and the guy said that I am fully qualified to beh emancipated and that all I need to do is go to my county courthouse get a form and a court date then appeal my case, and the guy said he is 100% sure that I would eailsy get emancipated so I think thats what i'm gonna do.

If I left home with their knowledge but without consent, and I stayed somewhere safe, and had a job, and I could take care of myself, is it likley the police would let meh stay?

not if your parents have reported you as a runaway. and anyone you stay with can face several charges, harboring a runaway, contributing to a minor, and interfering with custody.emanacaiptation means you can fully support yourself without help from anyone else, nor can you live with anyone else, and that includes your soon to be adult bf. sorry but i dont see a judge granting you emancipation
Have you looked into an Al Ateen group? It would help you get through a lot of that. How about a church? When you aren't sure of what to do, wait and pray. When you have peace in your decision,one way or another, than you move out. Try to stick i out until you turn 18. Only you know how bad your situation is and if you are being physically hurt, there is help. DO what you have to do.
No guy is qualified to tell you, you will be approved 100% for emancipation.

well every number I've caleld said that I seemed to beh qualified to beh emancipated the qualifactioins are that you are over 16 that you have a job and can support yourself that you will have somewhere to stay, and that you have a good reason for wanting to leave, and I know I have all that. and surely a judge wouldnt want meh in ahome with pplz who drink and do drugs and beat meh whe n I'm acapiable of taking care of mehself.
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