I did 50 hours of work for someone, now he only wants to pay part.

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He can't afford to pay me $1500, but he can afford an attorney and court filing fees?

Although this sentence appears to be an interrogative, it seems to be more of a declarative.

Small claims courts are less formal than district or county courts in Texas.

Small claims do not require the plaintiff or defendant to hire attorneys.

The limit that a person can sue for in justice of the peace courts (or municipal courts) in Texas is $10,000.

In some cases to avoid paying for an attorney, a plaintiff will forgo suing for the $15,000 alleged is owed and accept the statutory maximum of $10,000 instead.

What can he sue me for when he owes me money?

I have no idea why he would sue you.

I have no idea how much he believes you owe him.

On the other hand, if he does sue you, all you need to do is cross claim against him for the money you believe he owes you.

In the interim, why wait for him to sue you, when you could bring your small claims case against him for the monies he owes you?

You MUST sue him in the place and precinct where he does business or where he resides.


Guides: Small Claims Cases: General Information

Filing a Small Claim in Dallas County | FreeLegalAid

JP 5-1 | Small Claims

JP 3-1 | Small Claims

Dallas County Small Claims Court, Texas

JP 1-2 | Small Claims
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