How to expunge a restraining order


New Member
Me and my ex broke up after finding him with someone else. He kept denying what I saw and said we needed to talk. He lied on me and said that I surveilled his apartment and came unannounced to his place. Which I did go unannounced the night he was caught. I kept trying to call him but he disregarded my phone calls. Now I have a Restraining Order for 2 months allegedly for stalking. Im very upset and I need to clear my record. What do I need to do?
What do I need to do?

Until the order of protection expires obey it.

The order will expire, sooner or later, if you obey it.
Be smart, don't get angry, just get gone.

Don't allow some worthless man or woman to do some meaningless act that causes you to do dumb things which ruin your name, or land you in jail.

Walk away, just walk away.

No one has to answer your questions.

As you learned, your suspicions were correct.

That's when you should have worried about CONSEQUENCES.

Too late to worry about CONSEQUENCES after you get rowdy.

This FL licensed lawyer explains just what such an order means in Florida:
Restraining Orders Defense Lawyers | Florida Domestic Violence Attorneys | Florida Injunction Defense attorneys
The time to have sought help has passed for you.

The order will stand.

There is no "clearing" your name after the fact!!!

We all live with our choices.

I suggest in the future you choose more wisely.
It seems you have a temporary restraining order, one which anyone can get for almost any reason. The order should indicate a hearing date. The order is valid until that date. You need to make sure you show up to that hearing and explain why the order is unnecessary.
I suggest you explain that you and the ex have parted ways and that you have no intent or desire to have further contact. Don't get caught up explaining past drama and all your previous attempts to call him and check up on him. Its over. In the mean time cease any attempts to contact him per the order and move on with your life.
If you fail to show up to the hearing and he does attends he could obtain an order against you that could be active for years rather than months. Don't fail to show.
Me and my ex broke up after finding him with someone else. He kept denying what I saw and said we needed to talk. He lied on me and said that I surveilled his apartment and came unannounced to his place. Which I did go unannounced the night he was caught. I kept trying to call him but he disregarded my phone calls. Now I have a Restraining Order for 2 months allegedly for stalking. Im very upset and I need to clear my record. What do I need to do?

Until that order expires stay away...and even after it expires stay away. It's over. Move on. If this is a temporary order, go to the hearing for the final order and explain why you shouldn't have one against you.
I need to clear my record.

I don't know what you mean by this. When a restraining order is issued, it typically remains in place for a relatively short period of time, with a follow up hearing scheduled so that the merits of the situation can be fully fleshed out. Either way, the fact that the order was issued in the first place isn't going to change. Depending on the stage of the process you're at, either wait out the expiration of the order or retain the services of a local attorney.