Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks How to convict someone for welfare fraud

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How would you go about getting someone a charge when you have evidence they are committing massive welfare fraud? They are getting EBT and cash aid and not reporting their income from their illegal tattoo business or other persons in the home income.

I made a report to the D.A. with the evidence I had and they went and talked to the person and gave them a warning, I gave them more evidence it was still happening and they did nothing. I have submitted evidence over the past 6 months and they have done nothing.

How can I get the charge so they stop doing it?
How would you go about getting someone a charge when you have evidence they are committing massive welfare fraud?

Some people take the ALLEGED evidence of the crime and give it to the state's attorney general.


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How can I get the charge so they stop doing it?

Be very careful if you do report a person, you might be considered a "narc" or a "cheese eating rat".

In some cases, once a felon is arrested, the felon's relatives, pals, cohorts often find out WHO SNITCHED and make the RAT'S OR SNITCH'S life miserable, assuming they don't KILL the reporting person.
What you CANNOT do, however, is force any given agency to act. ALL you can do is make the report and they will decide if it warrants investigation or further action. if they decide against it, there is no law you can invoke or action you can take that will force them to.
What is your relationship to this person?
Why is this your business?
What did this person do to you to make you want to see this person in jail?
What "evidence" do you have?
How did you get it?
What you CANNOT do, however, is force any given agency to act. ALL you can do is make the report and they will decide if it warrants investigation or further action. if they decide against it, there is no law you can invoke or action you can take that will force them to.
Nor can the OP expect to be informed of the results of any investigation that may (or may not) take place.
How would you go about getting someone a charge when you have evidence they are committing massive welfare fraud?

I would report what I knew to the appropriate authorities.

They are getting EBT and cash aid and not reporting their income from their illegal tattoo business or other persons in the home income.

How is it that you're privy to the details of these persons' private financial matters?

How can I get the charge so they stop doing it?

Legit question: Why do you care?

Unless you are being personally impacted by what's happening, there isn't anything you can (legally) do beyond what you've already done.
Hard to prove, really not worth your time but there are websites out there for SSDI and other benefits where you can click a link to suspected fraud. I will tell you it is a waste of time though as the system doesn't care and everybody is out to get all the FREE money they can. VA admin lets 600 credit score multiple time bankrupt winners get 300-400k homes with no verifiable income get mortgages so why do they care about the massive fraud that goes on? The government has a magic eraser to allow these people to do whatever they want and you more than likely would get into trouble for accusing them for the crimes which they commit.

Great system, awesome. Which is why the crazies run the government and we live in a magic world of make believe.
... the system doesn't care...
I disagree with that. The "system" does care and there have been convictions for fraud (both internal and external) in the welfare system. The problem is that there are many more fraudsters than there are enforcers.
I would report what I knew to the appropriate authorities.

I agree. That's pretty much all you can do. Note that generally the appropriate authority is typically the agency issuing the benefits unless some other agency is tasked with the enforcement of the welfare fraud. For example, for some federal benefits it may be the FBI would be the most appropriate contact. The agency issuing benefits should be able to tell you whom to contact. Indeed, on most websites for such agencies there will be a page that tells you how to report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse of agency funds.
How can I get the charge so they stop doing it?

You don't. You've passed on the information, the DA chose not to do anything with it, move on.

Given your "success" so far, I suggest you move on before legal action is taken against you.
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