How late can child support be?

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New Member
I know that we should be thankful to receive anything, especially with all the deadbeats out there who don't pay a dime of what the courts direct them to pay. Our problem is that the support is due on the 1st of the month, but is rarely paid prior to the 10th, usually the 15th-20th. It's not a big deal other than the principle - we don't need the money & budget as if it weren't there at all. This is just a small part of numerous "waves" my fiancee's ex makes & since it's the smallest, that's what I'll start off with. Is there anything that can be done to get the child support paid by the date it is to be paid, or should we consider ourselves lucky to get it at all?
Child Support


Go to the Child Support Recovery office in your area. Register with them (I think you have to supply your court orders for child support and your past year's tax return). They collect your child support for you, and send it to you on a decided date each month. You won't have to deal with your ex at all. If he doesn't pay, THEY collect it from him. You get yours either way.
This is a state run agency, btw.
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