How do I get guardianship of my sister?

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New Member
Hello, I have a bit of a delima here. I would like to get guardianship of my sister but I know that her father won't let me have it. My mother is the primary custody holder of my sister, and her father just has visitation rights, but the state of new york requires that she let her father know when she is going to leave the state and for how long. If he were to find out that she wanted to live with me, he wouldn't let her. She is thirteen now and I know that she can tell the judge what she wants to do and where she wants to go, but is there anything I can do on my end to make it so she wouldn't have to deal with her father? He would play some mean head games with her and make her feel bad if she were to leave, so she is afraid of confronting him.

Thank you very much!
probate court

I have guardianship of my 23 year old son. I am just a homemaker, but have learned somethings in the last 6 months. My son is bi-polar and has bouts of mania. Since no one has replied the only thing I can tell you is, call your Probate Court in your area and ask what you need to do. That would be where I would start. I went through 15 months with no answers to a lot of my questions. The court helped my family, and pointed us in the right directions. I live in Ohio things may be different here. But still it is a start. I hoped this helps.
You have no rights here to get guardianship over the father. At 13 the judge may or may not listen to her but if you live out of state highly unlikely you will be able to have the child come live with you. Sorry but Dad has rights here, you have none.
Like I said I am a homemaker from Ohio. But thought I would just give a starting point. Sorry if it was bad advice. I know if someone would of just gave me a place to start, it would of helped a lot. I know different circumstances, age, and I am the parent. Once again I am very sorry for bad advice.

Good luck.
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