How can I stop my phiance's ex-wife from using her kids against us?

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We pay child support, stick to the schedule and all she does is bad mouth me to her 2 kids. It has been distruptive, confusing and abusive at times, she constantly thretens to take us back to court, or will keep the kids from their dad until I meet with her. What can I do legally to keep her threats, verbal abuse and torment towards me to stop?
Yes, stop talking to her and let Dad deal with her. You are not party to this. Have dad grow a backbone to her and keep her inline.
My phiance' does stick up for me and I do not get in the way, his ex-wife goes out of her way to be where I am and to make a scene...
Find out if you have grounds to ask for a restraining order.

At custody exchanges, either stay home or have a witness to Mom's antics. A camcorder may be a deterrent, too.

She can't keep the kids from Dad if they have a court order.

(And the word is "fiance".)
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