How can I get my husband to leave?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Florida

My 75 yo husband met a 60 yo married woman 5 months ago, and "fell in love". When I had evidence of the liason, I confronted him, and he admitted they were in love. He was, of course, belligerent, etc., and began to make derrogatory remarks about me and my family, while praising her. Initially, I was heartbroken, but the cruel accusations took their toll, and I believe I am better off without him, than with him. We have been raising three special needs children, and I do not want to move out...I want him to move out. I feel it is unhealthy for us all to continue with the present arrangement. We have not talked with the kids yet, but they ask questions about why he is never home, etc. He feels he can sleep at home, leave early in the am, be gone all day, and come home between 9 and 12 pm, sometimes drunk. He "says" she is willing to "share" him with us. I'm told her husband (age 79) is OK with this arrangement...that he thinks they are acting like a couple of teenagers. Anyway, I'm tired of being humiliated by his car always at their house, his wearing clothing she brought him from her country...I just want him to go. He thinks it is an attempt on my part to "take the house"....I can't sell it without his signature, I just need to live here with the kids for a few more years till they have transitioned maybe six or so. I feel he should show us enough respect to leave. While the "lady" was in her country, he made 215 phone calls to her in a 30 day period. He rented a PO box so he could receive mail...I found and kept 2 letters from her that I found in his pocket. I believe there is an element of dementia here...delusions...but I am hurt and bitter...How can I get him to leave? In the past he has been physically abusive, but I try to avoid him when he is drunk or angry. I am 66, the twins are 16 and their brother is 18. Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
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