Hours in question

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New Member
How can an employer pay you an hourly rate then consider an hour to be 100 minutes instead of 60? Is this legal??
for example... $10/hr for 5 hours should be $50.00 gross, however, at this company if you work for 5 hours you are only getting paid $30.00 for 300 hours of work.
this is so unfair in my opinion but is it LEGAL????
No that isn't legal. The National Institute of Standards and Technology: Weights and Measures Division in the United States Federal Government sets the definition of an hour to 60 minutes (believe it or not there is an official office that sets these definitions). I found the Time and Frequency Division for you though you really don't have to look up the official definition of an HOUR! Jesus, it's 60 minutes. If you do business in the United States you have to use that definition. Call your labor department.
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