hospital bill from when i was 17 being passed to me?

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New Member I was admitted to ICU for about two days last May when I was still a minor.My mother did not know that I had been under my father's kaiser coverage because no one had ever bothered to say anything about it to us.When we did find out, they wouldn't even let me get a card because they said it had to be mailed to my father since it was his name it was under, but we hadn't known where he was for years(divorce).After my mom found out, she tried to file some paperwork to get kaiser to pick up the tab, since, if we had known we had it, I would have gone to THEIR hospital.They never answered, but the bill from the other hospital never came back so we assumed kaiser had accepted the charge.Another bill just came a month ago, asking for 14,000.

My mother is now telling me to pay her for the bill.Can she force me to pay for it?Shouldn't she be responsible for it since I was a minor?She also said something about me having to sign a paper for her saying that she can take kaiser to court for the issue(not telling us I was covered).Does this mean the bill is in MY name?

This woman kicked me out of the house on my birthday not caring where I would I have no doubts she will take me down with her. :(

Is this even the right section of the forum to post this in? >_>
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She can sue you for the money, but she's not likely to get very far since you were a minor and ostensibly under her care.

- Carl
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