Horrific Custody Case Need help

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I have a friend who has to battle everyday with her sons grandmother over custody and visitation of this certain child. the grandmother wants custody of the child and files appeal after appeal after appeal and slanders the mother and her family. Repeatedly calls children services wit bogus statements just a horrible situation, the biggest problem is money. after so many appeals this poor mother cant afford to keep getting a lawyer and i dont think its fair. Is their anything that can be done to stop the harassment. I dont know much about law but the mother said that theres nothing she can do because everyone wants money is that still true, if you have money thats the only way to do anything?
According to the constitution, every person has the right to defend themselves in court. But---you have to get someone to tell you how this works-ergo-a lawyer. If you could addord a lawyer, you wouldn't need to defend yourself. A catch 22 situation. I have yet to find anyone who can, or will, tell you what you can do. If you go to court without a lawyer, you automatically lose. I was told this by the public defenders office. There is no justice for people without money.
mom should see an attorney and see about billing grandma for her legal fees. If her filings are frivilous then its possible the courts may award legal fees. where is the father here/
The father died in a car crash due to using drugs. we dont know what to do all lawyers say they want money to talk or even give advice and the only free advice we have gotten is get a good lawyer.
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