homeless with children


New Member
Is there any laws against being homeless and living in a hotel with your children for a very short time
Is there any laws against being homeless and living in a hotel with your children for a very short time
Of course not! You are providing a roof over your children's head and food in their mouths! Sometimes we go through hard times and those of us who are resilient, can get through it. Good luck and my prayers for you on achieving a better life for you and your children.
Is there any laws against being homeless and living in a hotel with your children for a very short time

Hang in there.
Do the best you can.
We all have had tough times.
We've had to fight, scratch, beg, and crawl.
Just wake up each day and try to figure out how you get your life back.
There are no laws that prohibit you from being poor, or rich.
God bless....