Help trying to handle deceased fathers abandond house

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New Member
My father died without a will in Indiana . My step Mother abandond the home and property taking everything that her and her new husband could sell ( kitchen cabnets , water heater etc abandond in winter causing frozen broken plumbing
Any way I got the stripping of the house stopped and she sighned a quite.claim deed to to property to me and my wife
And a assignment of rights I regards to the mortgage
Trying to get Citibank to realize what's going on has been almost impossible
Now that the bank finally has realized the issue
She has quite her job of 30 years and moved to another state and will not co operate in continuing to provide any info to the banks questions
Leaving me out several thousand dollars because we can't refinance if the bank can't accept short sale
Basicley the bank has said that there is nothing they can do
The only thing I can do is pay the
Account in my deceased fathers name
Any advice would be helpfull
You have been told all you need to know. In fact, you got very lucky. His new wife had the right, through intestacy to everything. You should have let it be. As far as the bank is concerned, they're correct. The lender need not accept a short sale. If you're short of the payoff amount, the bank won't budge, it's over.
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