Health Insurance

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New Jersey
My husband gets lifetime free health coverage for our 2 kids. However as soon as our divorce is final I will be paying $4500 a year in health benefits for myself. Since health insurance is now mandatory and I cannot opt out is any part of the it or entire amount able to be taken out of my net income when figuring child support. That makes my net income almost $400 more a month than it actually will be.
This is the 3rd time (at least) that you have asked the same question. Read previous responses.

No, health insurance costs do not come out of the "disposable income" calculation for child support purposes. How 'bout you just be thankful that your soon to be ex has full lifetime coverage for your kids?
This is the 3rd time (at least) that you have asked the same question. Read previous responses.

No, health insurance costs do not come out of the "disposable income" calculation for child support purposes. How 'bout you just be thankful that your soon to be ex has full lifetime coverage for your kids?

If I were you I would look back and count because it is the second time...not third. Anyhow my question is in regards to changes. Since mandatory health care is now a mandatory factor, I wanted to know if any laws had changed. I know my mandatory pension gets taken out. Didn't know if anything had changed in the last year or so.
Closed, information shared, no further value in beating a dead horse.
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