have i broke the law?

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New Member
My sister and her kids have suffered at the hands of her abusive husband for years, i got sick of it and posted the following on facebook:

I am not writing this out of hate, or to cause trouble and I expect I will receive threats from Anth and possibly his family for writing this but I would like to know how Anth justifys telling my 13 year old neice that if she goes to the chippy she needn't bother coming back. This ended up with jade and the kids sat in my parents waiting for the police to remove him from the house YET AGAIN!! this is just 1 from a long list of incidents that also includes a threat to jades life IN FRONT of the kids.
I hope by writing this for all to see it will embarrass him enough to change or just leave and stop terrorizing the people he claims to love, but I expect this will just be deleted and life will carry on as normal, so I am also going to post this on my wall.
Everyone is welcome to comment.

I had a phone call from the police today telling me it had to be removed by tomorrow, but im not sure if ive actually commited an offence. Help please.
The police can't force you to do anything. They can make your life difficult by arresting you.

I don't think the police called you.

The abusive bum likely called you, or caused another to call you.

Make it easy on yourself, take it down.

You've made your point.

Avoid bigger trouble.

And, no, I don't believe you have broken the law, yet!!!

Don't cross the line later.
thank you both for your help, ive phoned the police station twice now and they havent found the officer who supposedly rang me.

I have had a few calls from friends and family telling me that he is telling everyone that he is having me arrested for harrassment and that he is suing me for slander and defermation of charactor, i have only wrote 1 message and everything i have wrote is true and can be backed up by police files and i have made no threats can he really sue me?

This op is NOT in the US....we do things quite differently in the UK at times.

OP, you accused him of terrorizing - that is quite the accusation to make and in the UK under current anti-terror laws not a joking matter.

Take down the post.
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