Harrassement from the EX who has custody

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I have a 12 year old son that live with his father, and has for the last 2 years. Custody was switched due to morality and financial stability. The judge did say he did not find me as an unfit mother but the child would be better suited off with him. The 8 years before he went to live there I had been harassed by him and his wife through various forms of letters. Not only myself but anyone that comes in contact with me, they run background checks and find whatever they can on them.

I thought once my child went to live over there they would leave me alone, but it has only gotten worse. And reason is because as they quote
" they are the custodial parent". I get letters after letters and we have no kind of verbal communication. He relays messages through his wife whom is a big part in the whole problem.

I have tried to file harassment charges but been told that it is a civil matter. I have no money for an Attorney and have tried to get Legal Aid in which I can not because he used them against someone else (I assume some foster family beings I am the only one he has a biological child with). Therefore since it is the same kind of case but with someone else they can not so much as refer me out for a pro bono case, due to conflict of interest. So I am stuck.

I have tried to look up and call so many Attorneys and no one is willing to take this on for it can be costly. One of my children got sick in February and was in the hospital and we are still ongoing with Doctor appointments and such. I fell behind on my support, in which I have always been current on up until she got sick. They send me letters every month and have badgered the child support agency, I have had an agent tell me I need to get my SS # changed due to they have so much of my personal information. I agree, but tried and they will not change it. His wife pretends to be me, I have had to put passwords on EVERYTHING in which that still does not work sometimes.

I am at my witts end because they are telling my child I am a deadbeat and talk me down all the time. My son informed me that his father took pictures of me and wrote "deadbeat mom, this woman needs to pay her child support" and hung them up in town. I have not found any yet and lets hope that I don't.

I am considering filing and representing myself but have been told that is not a good thing to do when children are involved. So I am up for any suggestions any one might have.
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