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New Member
Yes I have a lady who is stalking and sending me harassing emails and yes I know I how to block her email addres but she then goes to my classified ad sites and emails me through them and they cant be blocked cause of my business. She has an sbcglobal.net account they refused to do anything. One website i use emailed her and told her to ceist and desist emailing me and she still continues to send me emails though I dont know this woman cant find out nothing about her and have no way for my attorney to do anything. And as I said SBC refuses to do anything except tell me how to block her but even trying to explain to them she is bypassing that they dont care so is there anything I can do to find out who this person really is and why they are out of the blue stalking and harassing me ???

Thanks I have had 2 open heart surgeries and this is just unnerving to me to be harassed and stalked by a total stranger or if she is using correct name which sbc says they are paid accounts only then i dont know this lady. Hope someone out there in cyber land has some good advise

SBC isn't the right place to go. They just provide an email account and don't control the directories. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. The best thing might be to have an attorney send a cease and desist letter and then go to court to obtain a restraining order if this continues. If you need to identify her, your attorney may be able to send an information subpoena to SBC and obtain the information. Good luck to you and I hope this person stops. Typically, in time, ignoring a person works if you show them no effects of their harrassment.
I have had a similar issue. For clarification, could you have an attorney send a cease and desist letter to an anonymous internet persona? In my situation we have tried to use headers, etc, and they are using a blocker. Also, similarly, can an one obtain a restraining order or a stalking order from said anonymous internet persona?
Thank you.

So where do I start? The police? My harasser has used multiple personas to harass me at work, through my land lord, my ex, etc. I have one email with the header entact from over a year ago. Do I file harassment charges? Do I file a civil suit?

I'm lost.
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