Harassment from neighbor and county sheriff department


New Member
I need advice on several things. Mainly I have a neighbor that has been constantly harassing me for over a year and I have it documented he calls the sheriffs department for everything he can think of and he has his friends doing that too. They call me all hours to tell me about one complaint or another I have asked repeatedly to file harassment charges and they have neglected to do so. I have everything documented and recorded because of how it has gone. I even called because I was afraid at one point from a voice mail I had gotten from that neighbor. Nothing ever gets done. The deputies go on my property and browse through without my knowledge or consent. So basically I'm being harassed repeatedly. They tell me they get complaints from several neighbors I only have 3 and two have signed statements supporting me and none of that is taken in affect I just continued to he harassed and threatened. I don't know what to do I called the head sheriff and all he does is be rude and disrepectful to me and refuses to listen. I'm at a loss to what I can do to get all this to stop. They are also telling other people and posting horrible things but none of it matters.
Stop worrying about what others say or do. Ignore all trouble makers, and watch how quickly they slither back under the rocks.
What do these alleged neighbors call to report you are doing?
Generally it is best to ignore them the best that you can & eventually they normally get tired of the harassment & quit. However; as the above responder asked, what are you being reported as doing?