Harassing Phone Calls

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New Member
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not since it's not an employee/employer situation. So if it needs moved please feel free to do so.

I am a Graphic designer that works out of my home. I set up my business as an LLC. Back in October I received a letter from A Joseph, Stevens & Associates stating they were trying to collect a debt my company owed on behaf of a local lumber company for over $1100. If i did not respond to them within a few days they were going to take legal action against me. I tried calling the number on the letter and it was disconnected. So I looked up the lumber company and called them since I know I have no such debt and have never done business with this company. The lumber Co. stated they did have a company that owed that amount with the same name as my company but that it was not me. They also said they hired Joseph, Stevens to collect money from past due accounts for them but were taking legal action against them to get them to stop since they were harassing their customers and seemed fraudulent. They suggested I send them a letter on letter head stating they had the wrong company and to stop contacting me. I received 4 letters in all, one right after the other.

Once I sent the letter I didn't hear back from them until late January. Now they are calling me demanding that I pay them. I've tried explaining that they have the wrong company. First time they said they would take care of it. Second time they hung up on me after I told them I knew the lumber company was taking legal action against them. Last night they got threatening with my partner saying they were sending police to my house and would file it against my credit with Dun & Bradstreet. They call several times a day leaving messages that is imperative that I call them etc...

My business number is my personal cell and they have my home address since I am a small company and work out of my home. What can I do to get them to stop? Can they actually do anything to my credit? I've contacted the lumber company and their lawyer. All they do is send them letters, which these people ignore.

Sorry it's so long... but any help is appreciated.
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